Are you dreaming of a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle in your beloved barndo? You’re not alone. Many of us are on the same journey, looking for ways to blend our love for these unique homes with a greener way of living.

I get it, the charm of a barndominium is irresistible – the spacious layouts, the blend of rustic and modern, and that feeling of being connected to simpler times. But let’s face it, as much as we adore our barndos, they aren’t always the poster child for sustainability. That’s where I come in. I’ve spent years exploring the ins and outs of eco-friendly living, especially in spaces like barndominiums, and I’m here to share some game-changing upgrades that can transform your space into an eco-haven.

You might be wondering, “Where do I even start?” or “Is it going to be a hassle?” I hear you. The world of sustainable living can seem overwhelming, but I promise, it’s easier than you think. And the benefits? They’re not just for the planet. Imagine lower energy bills, a healthier living environment, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing your part for the earth.

So, whether you’re a seasoned barndo dweller or just starting your journey, this article is for you. I’ll walk you through practical, achievable upgrades that will make your barndominium as green as it is gorgeous. Let’s embark on this journey together, turning our beloved barndos into beacons of sustainability.

1. Solar Panels

eco friendly barndominiums solar panels
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

In your pursuit of sustainable living through a barndominium lifestyle, harnessing solar energy is a brilliant move. These panels are a silent powerhouse on your roof, capturing sunlight and transforming it into electricity for your modern comforts.


  • Reduces electricity bills: With solar panels, generate your own power and save on energy costs.
  • Low environmental impact: Solar power is a renewable resource, cutting down on fossil fuel usage and carbon emissions.


  • Initial Investment: There’s an upfront cost, but long-term savings and potential tax incentives can offset this.
  • Maintenance: Panels require minimal upkeep, mainly cleaning to keep them efficient.


  • Professional vs. DIY: Choose a professional installer for a guaranteed job or a DIY kit if you’re handy and looking to cut costs.

Efficiency Tips:

  • Position your panels where they’ll get maximum sun exposure.
  • Maintain clear surroundings to prevent shading.
  • Monitor systems regularly to ensure peak performance.

Embrace solar power as part of your commitment to renewable energy sources. With solar panels, you’re not just building a home; you’re investing in a sustainable future.

2. Energy-Efficient Appliances

eco friendly barndominiums Energy Efficient Appliances
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances is a savvy move for anyone passionate about sustainable living. These modern gadgets are designed to do more than just their primary function; they also aim to lower your energy consumption.

When shopping for new appliances, keep an eye out for the ENERGY STAR label, as this signifies compliance with energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ENERGY STAR certified appliances can reduce energy usage significantly, leading to lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint, making them an integral part of any eco-friendly home upgrade.

Appliances to Consider:

  • Refrigerators: Opt for models that keep your food fresh with less energy.
  • Washing Machines: Choose units that use fewer gallons of water per cycle.
  • Dryers: Seek out features like moisture sensors that reduce running time.
  • Dishwashers: Go for dishwashers that clean effectively while using less water and energy.

Quick Tips:

  • Maintain Your Appliances: Regular maintenance ensures they operate at peak efficiency.
  • Upgrade Strategically: Replace the oldest or most-used appliances first to maximize savings.
  • Assess Energy Use: Check the energy use of appliance models before you buy to estimate potential savings.

By investing in energy-efficient appliances, you not only contribute to a more sustainable planet but also embrace a lifestyle of eco-friendly upgrades that benefit both the environment and your wallet.

3. LED Lighting

eco friendly barndominiums LED Lighting
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

When you invest in LED bulbs, you’re making a smart choice for both your barndominium’s aesthetics and the environment. LED bulbs are renowned for their energy efficiency, directly translating into cost savings for you. Their advanced technology requires significantly less power to produce the same amount of light as traditional bulbs.

Here’s a quick glance at the benefits of LEDs:

  • Energy Savings: LED bulbs use about 75% less energy, meaning your energy bills will decrease as your barndominium shines just as brightly.
  • Longevity: An LED bulb’s lifespan is remarkably longer, often lasting up to 25 times longer than its incandescent counterparts.

By upgrading to LED lighting, you not only reduce your energy consumption but also embrace a sustainable lifestyle.

Incandescent BulbsLED Bulbs
High energy usageLow energy usage
Frequent changesLonger lifespan
Higher costsLower maintenance costs

The shift to LED lighting in your barndominium also means less frequent bulb replacements, which adds up to lower maintenance costs over time. Given their durability, you can enjoy a well-lit home without the inconvenience of regular bulb changes. It’s an effortless upgrade with lasting impact on both your wallet and the planet.

4. Insulation and Weatherization

eco friendly barndominiums Insulation and Weatherization
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Enhancing your barndominium’s insulation is a key step towards an energy-efficient home. Proper insulation for walls, ceilings, and floors retains heat during winter and cool air in summer, leading to a notable reduction in your dependency on heating and cooling systems.

  • Walls and Attics: Opt for high-grade insulation materials, like spray foam insulation, which not only has excellent thermal properties but also adds structural integrity to your building.
  • Floors: Insulate your floors to prevent cold drafts and maintain a steady indoor temperature, which is both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Draft-proofing is equally important to prevent unwanted air leaks. Here are a few areas to focus on:

  • Doors and Windows: Use weather stripping and caulk to seal gaps, keeping the external climate at bay.
  • Ventilation Openings: Ensure they are properly sealed but also maintain adequate air flow for a healthy indoor environment.

Incorporating these upgrades aligns with the wider goal of mitigating climate change through sustainable living. Not only will you see a decrease in energy bills, but you’ll also contribute to a broader positive impact on the environment.

Lastly, consider integrating solar energy solutions to complement your insulation efforts. Solar panels can provide clean energy to heat and cool your home, pushing the boundaries of sustainability in residential design.

5. Low-Flow Water Fixtures

eco friendly barndominiums Low Flow Water Fixtures
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

If you’re passionate about both charming barndominiums and sustainable living, incorporating low-flow water fixtures is a smart move. These fixtures are designed to reduce the amount of water you use without sacrificing performance. As a conscious homeowner, you’ll appreciate the blend of functionality and conservation they offer.

  • Showerheads: Traditional showerheads use about 2.5 gallons of water per minute (gpm), whereas low-flow showerheads can significantly cut this figure down to 2 gpm or even less. Not only does this save water, but it also reduces your heating costs as you’ll use less hot water.
  • Toilets: The biggest water guzzler in most homes is the toilet. By switching to a low-flow toilet, you can save two to five times more water per flush compared to older models. That’s gallons upon gallons saved with each use.
  • Faucets: A simple aerator on your faucets can decrease water flow to around 1.5 gpm. This still provides enough water for everyday tasks like hand washing and dish cleaning but at a fraction of the usual water usage.

In summary, these water-conserving fixtures can considerably lessen your ecological footprint while helping maintain the aesthetics and efficiency of your eco-friendly home. Remember, every drop conserved contributes to water conservation efforts and reflects your commitment to an eco-conscious lifestyle.

6. Programmable Thermostats

eco friendly barndominiums Programmable Thermostats
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Upgrading to a programmable thermostat is a savvy move for your barndominium’s energy efficiency and your wallet. These devices give you control over your heating and cooling systems, allowing you to create schedules so that energy isn’t wasted when you’re away or asleep.

Key Benefits:

  • Smart Adjustments: Most smart thermostats can learn your schedule and preferences, adjusting temperatures automatically.
  • Remote Control: Operate your thermostat from your smartphone, no matter where you are.
  • Energy Reports: Many models provide detailed feedback on your energy consumption, helping you make informed decisions.

Energy Savings:

By tailoring your barndominium’s climate to your daily routine, you can cut down on unnecessary energy consumption. This personalized approach to climate control can lead to noticeable reductions in your utility bills, especially during seasons with extreme temperatures.

Installation Tips:

  • Choose a thermostat compatible with your HVAC system.
  • Follow manufacturer instructions or hire a professional to ensure proper setup.
  • Position the thermostat away from direct sunlight, drafts, doorways, and windows to avoid false readings.

In summary, opting for a programmable or smart thermostat is not just about modern convenience—it’s a concrete step towards sustainable living.

7. Green Roofing or Cool Roofs

eco friendly barndominiums Cool Roofs
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

When embracing a sustainable lifestyle, consider transforming your home’s top layer with eco-friendly roofing. “Green” roofing options like choosing plant-covered green roofs can significantly enhance your home’s insulation, as crazy as this may sound, it is a viable option. Not only do they add aesthetic appeal, but they also play a vital role in reducing your carbon footprint.

Using reflective materials, cool roofs reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than standard roofs. This property makes them an instrumental element in any green building project, as they can help regulate indoor temperatures, leading to reduced reliance on air conditioning.

Choosing the right roofing can directly impact your home’s energy consumption. Here’s how each option adds up:

  • Green Roofs:
    • Improve insulation, keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
    • Reduce stormwater runoff, protecting water quality in your community.
    • Enhance biodiversity by providing habitat for local wildlife.
  • Cool Roofs:
    • Reflect solar rays, which can reduce surface temperatures by up to 50°F.
    • Contribute to lowering urban heat islands and the overall demand for electric power.
    • Potentially extend roof life due to less heat stress on the roofing materials.

By prioritizing eco-friendly roofing, you’re not only investing in the longevity of your home but also joining the movement towards a more sustainable living. Each choice brings us closer to creating environments that respect our resources and promote the health of our planet.

8. Rainwater Harvesting Systems

eco friendly barndominiums Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Installing a rainwater harvesting system in your barndominium can significantly aid in water conservation. Such systems capture rainwater from your roof, channeling it into a storage tank. Here’s how you can leverage this eco-friendly upgrade:

  • Capture: Utilize your existing roof structure to collect rainwater. Gutters and downspouts direct the water into a filtration unit.
  • Storage: Store the harvested water in containers made from sustainable materials such as polyethylene or concrete. They can be above or below ground.
  • Usage: Use the stored rainwater for your garden, lawn irrigation, or other non-drinking purposes. This can drastically reduce the reliance on municipal water and cut down your utility costs.

Key Benefits:

  • Lessens the strain on local water utilities.
  • Decreases the environmental footprint by minimizing the need for water transport and processing.
  • Offers a backup water supply during periods of drought or water restrictions.


  • Ensure your system includes a proper filtration unit to remove debris.
  • Regular maintenance is important to prevent any stagnation or contamination of the water.
  • Check local regulations to ensure that a rainwater harvesting system is permissible in your area.

By integrating rainwater harvesting into your barndominium, you embrace a sustainable living practice that conserves resources and aligns with eco-friendly ideals.

9. Eco-Friendly Flooring

eco friendly barndominiums Bamboo Floor
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

When you’re eager to blend a love for barndominiums with a commitment to sustainability, your choice of flooring becomes paramount. It’s not just about the visual impact—it’s about selecting materials that respect the environment and support your green ethos.

Bamboo, for example, is a powerhouse of sustainability. It’s not only durable and aesthetically versatile, but its rapid growth rate also means it replenishes quickly, making it a top contender for eco-conscious homeowners.

To further your eco-friendly agenda, consider reclaimed wood. This option is as stylish as it is sustainable, giving old materials new life and reducing waste. Its unique character and story add an unprecedented charm to your dwelling, connecting you to history and nature.

For an innovative yet subtle touch, look into cork flooring. Recognizable for its soft feel and sound-dampening properties, cork is harvested from the bark of trees without causing harm, thus preserving the vital ecosystem.

Here’s a quick guide to help you assess eco-friendly flooring options:

  • Bamboo:
    • Fast-growing, highly renewable
    • Strong and durable
  • Reclaimed Wood:
    • Reduces landfill waste
    • Unique aesthetic appeal
  • Cork:
    • Biodegradable and recyclable
    • Natural thermal insulator

By integrating sustainable materials into your flooring choices, not only do you elevate the design of your barndominium, but you also invest in the health of our planet. With options like bamboo, reclaimed wood, and cork, your home can set a precedent for eco-living without compromising on style or quality.

10. Solar Water Heaters

eco friendly barndominiums Solar Water Heaters
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Solar water heaters are a wise choice for those eyeing energy-efficient upgrades in a barndominium. By harnessing solar power, these heaters enable you to enjoy hot water throughout the year while cutting down significantly on energy consumption and associated costs.

  • How They Work: Solar water heaters include collectors and storage tanks. Solar collectors installed on your roof absorb sunlight and convert it into heat. This heat is then used to warm water stored in a tank, ready for your use.
  • Benefits:
    • Reduced Energy Bills: By utilizing the sun’s energy, you can reduce reliance on traditional electricity or gas to heat water.
    • Eco-Friendly: As a renewable energy source, solar energy does not deplete resources or produce harmful emissions.
  • Considerations: Initial Installation: There’s an upfront cost to setting up a solar water heater, but this is recouped over time through savings on bills. Maintenance: Solar water heaters require periodic check-ups to ensure efficiency, but overall, maintenance demands are relatively low.

By integrating solar water heaters into your home, you’re not only tapping into a renewable resource but also paving the way for a sustainable lifestyle. With each sunny day, your commitment to eco-friendly living becomes both functional and financially rewarding, affirming your choice in embracing a greener, more cost-effective way to access crucial household amenities like hot water.

11. Window Upgrades

eco friendly barndominiums Windows
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Upgrading to eco-friendly windows is a smart move if you’re looking to enhance your barndominium’s sustainability. Consider double or triple-pane windows with low-emissivity (low-E) glass, which can significantly boost your home’s insulation. These windows help to maintain a consistent temperature, cutting down on heating and cooling costs.

The use of low-E glass is effective in minimizing the amount of infrared and ultraviolet light that comes through your glass without limiting the amount of natural light. Not only does this mean more natural light in your home, but it also means your fabrics and wall coverings won’t fade as quickly.

To increase energy efficiency, you can opt for upgraded window frames that provide better insulation. Materials like fiberglass, vinyl, or wood that has been treated to resist moisture and warping can improve insulation and also promote durability.

Here’s a comparison of window types:

Window TypeInsulation LevelLight TransmissionDurability
Double-pane low-E glassHighHighHigh
Triple-pane low-E glassVery HighModerateVery High
Treated Wood FramesModerateN/AHigh
Fiberglass FramesHighN/AVery High
Vinyl FramesModerate to HighN/AHigh

For those seeking an expansive view and more natural light, large windows with energy-efficient features are the way to go. Choosing this type of window not only contributes to sustainability by reducing electricity usage but also brings an aesthetic charm to your living space.

12. Landscaping for Efficiency

eco friendly barndominiums Landscaping for Efficiency
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

When selecting flora for your property, focus on integrating native plants. These plants are adapted to your region’s climate, promoting water conservation and providing habitats for local wildlife. Additionally, they typically require less maintenance and are more resistant to pests.

To increase your barndominium’s efficiency through landscaping:

  • Plan Your Landscape: Assess your property’s layout in regard to sun exposure and wind patterns. Position trees and shrubs to shield your home from intense heat during the summer, and to block cold winds in the winter.
  • Strategic Planting: Place deciduous trees on the south and west sides of your home. They will offer shade in the summer and allow sunlight to warm your home during the winter after they shed their leaves.
  • Ground Covering: Utilize groundcovers in your landscaping plan; they are effective in cooling the ground and minimizing heat radiation.

Employing these strategies not only enhances your home’s sustainability but also optimizes energy consumption by reducing the reliance on heating and cooling systems. Your well-planned landscape acts as a natural regulator for your home’s temperature, ensuring year-round comfort.

Remember, the right choices in your garden can have a significant impact. By prioritizing ecologically sound landscaping practices, you contribute to a healthier environment while enjoying the aesthetic and practical benefits of your outdoor space.

13. Home Energy Audit

eco friendly barndominiums Home Energy Audit
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

To optimize your barndominium for energy efficiency and sustainable living, begin with a thorough home energy audit. This evaluation pinpoints where your home is losing energy and determines the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. You can then target these identified areas for improvement, reducing your carbon footprint and potentially enjoying significant financial benefits.

  • Why is an Energy Audit Essential?
    • Detect areas of energy waste
    • Improve home comfort
    • Boost energy savings
    • Enhance overall home efficiency

Conducting the Audit A certified energy auditor will use specialized tools, such as blower doors and infrared cameras, to assess energy loss. They will scrutinize all aspects of your home, from insulation levels to window sealing to appliance functionality.

  • Expected Outcomes: Area Examined Improvements Suggested Insulation Upgrade to eco-friendly materials Windows and Doors Sealing Apply weatherstripping HVAC Systems Recommend high-efficiency units Appliance and Lighting Audit Switch to energy-star products

After the Audit Armed with the knowledge of your home’s specific needs, you’re better prepared to implement eco-friendly upgrades. This will not only reduce your energy bills but also contribute to a healthier planet by minimizing energy waste. Remember that many regions offer incentives and rebates for energy-efficient home improvements, enhancing the financial feasibility of your upgrades.