The 10 Best Pure Sine Wave Inverters For Reliable, Off-Grid Power

Pure Sine Wave Inventer Buying Guide

Choosing the right pure sine inverter is a nightmare. There’s a lot of technical jargon that companies throw at you with no real-world relevance. Plus, there are over 700 results on Amazon – and many of these are low-quality products! That’s why we created this easy-to-understand guide. We’ve broken down all the technical details into…

Best Solar Security Camera In 2024: Top-Rated Reviews

Solar security camera 1

“Someone is at your front door,” says Alexa. You check your security cam on your phone, and you see your package from Amazon has arrived. Sweet!  While this situation would bring a smile to anyone’s face, the flip side isn’t pretty. Imagine your new solar security camera has stopped working. There is someone at the…

39 Questions To Ask Solar Companies (So You Can Get The Best Deal)

questions for solar companies

Solar panel systems have come down in cost, but a typical household installation costs between $13,000 and $20,000, depending on your state. With that sort of pricing, it only makes sense to evaluate a solar company closely before you hand over any money. Here are the main questions to ask solar companies. Solar Panel Equipment…

Why Are Solar Panels So Expensive?

solar panels expensive

You are most probably considering installing solar panels on your home’s roof. After all, they are a sustainable means of energy compared to fossil fuels, and energy costs are less pricey in the long term. However, the prices may make you wonder why solar panels are expensive. You are not alone. The cost of going…

How Much Money Can You Make Selling Electricity Back To The Grid

make money selling power back to grid

As renewable energy becomes more efficient, its popularity is increasing.  But sometimes your renewable resource is more efficient than expected, as, for instance, on sunny summer days or on particularly blustery, autumnal ones.  When this happens, your home may produce more energy than it can use all at once. It’s tempting to want to sell…

How Long Does It Take To Install Solar Panels

how long to install solar panels

Solar panels offer homeowners the opportunity to get their electricity off of the grid and possibly even sell some back. With power outages happening frequently, solar panels also provide a reliable source of backup electricity. Knowing how long it takes to install solar panels helps a homeowner make better decisions about when to add them…

Energy Efficient Homes – Building Design Trends Happening Now

energy efficient homes

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating an older one, you want to make it as energy-efficient as possible. An energy-efficient home will save you money on energy costs, increase its productivity, and help protect the environment.  Homebuyers these days are more cognizant of their energy use than in the past. One major incentive…

Renewable Energy – The Only Clean Alternatives That Matter

renewable energy

Renewable energy is a way to generate energy from renewable or unlimited resources. In a nutshell, it means that we’re able to replenish the resources in a natural manner and quicker than we consume them. We need renewable energy because it improves public health, diversifies our energy supply, and contributes less to global warming. There…

American Made Solar Panels – 13 Companies To Choose From

solar panels made in the usa

With each passing day, it seems that renewable energy gets more attention as more and more people realize what scientists have been saying for decades: non-renewable energy is causing us some problems. American companies jumped into the solar panel manufacturing game decades ago, and since then, quite a few other countries have begun production. The…

Do Solar Panels Cause Cancer?

can solar panels cause cancer

In recent years, things we assumed were unassailable have taken some hits and come under fire. Specifically, facts and truth have fallen out of favor in certain circles.  Given humankind’s natural gravitation to conspiracy theories, we sometimes have things peddled to us that are patently false. One politician claimed a link between wind turbines and…

Why Go Solar? Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?

why go solar

Solar energy and renewable energies are hot-button topics nowadays. With the political discourse between renewable and non-renewable energies, it can sometimes be challenging to separate objective reasoning and political positioning. Solar power remains a fantastic option for renewable, alternative energy, but it’s far from perfect. If you’re looking into switching to solar energy, we’re here…