A recent study reveals a significant rise in cancer deaths in the United States during 2021 and 2022, diverging sharply from previous multi-year trends. This alarming information comes from a pre-print study by Finance Technologies, which analyzed data from the CDC to uncover these disturbing patterns. Roman Balmakov talked about this in his recent video, so let’s explore what he had to say.

Significant Findings from CDC Data

Significant Findings from CDC Data
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Journalist Roman Balmakov detailed the study’s findings, noting that the data indicated a dramatic increase in excess mortality from neoplasms, or tumors, as an underlying cause of death. Specifically, the study found that excess cancer deaths rose by 1.7% in 2020, 5.6% in 2021, and 7.9% in 2022. These increases correspond to z-scores of 11.8 and 16.5 for 2021 and 2022, respectively, which are highly statistically significant.

Understanding Z-Scores and Statistical Significance

Understanding Z Scores and Statistical Significance
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

To provide context, z-scores measure how far a data point deviates from the average. A z-score of zero indicates that a data point is identical to the average, while higher z-scores indicate greater deviations. The z-scores of 12 and 16 found in the study for 2021 and 2022 highlight extreme deviations from historical averages, underscoring the unusual nature of these increases.

Graphical Representation of Data

Graphical Representation of Data
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Balmakov presented graphs illustrating these trends, showing the number of excess cancer deaths among individuals aged 15 to 44. Historically, the actual number of cancer deaths has closely followed the CDC’s expectations, fluctuating slightly above or below. However, starting in 2020, the number of deaths began to rise sharply, with significant spikes in 2021 and 2022.

Potential Causes for the Increase

Potential Causes for the Increase
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

The study’s co-author, Dr. David Weisman, left the exact cause of these increases open for further investigation. He suggested that potential factors could include an unexpected rise in rapidly growing cancers or a reduction in the survivability of existing cancer cases. The researchers are continuing to analyze data to explore these hypotheses further.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

One area of investigation is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the effects of the virus itself, the vaccines, and the lockdowns. Balmakov recalled warnings from 2021, when experts predicted that the reduction in face-to-face doctor visits and delays in cancer diagnoses due to lockdowns could lead to increased cancer mortality. In the UK, for instance, a 2021 report projected up to 10,000 unnecessary cancer deaths due to these delays.

Long-Term Implications of Lockdowns

Long Term Implications of Lockdowns
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

The pandemic-related disruptions in healthcare likely contributed to late diagnoses and treatment delays, exacerbating cancer outcomes. As Balmakov noted, these delays in both diagnosis and treatment could significantly increase early death risks, with studies suggesting a 7% increase in mortality risk for each month of delayed treatment.

Addressing the Crisis

Addressing the Crisis
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

I believe that addressing this rise in cancer deaths will require a multifaceted approach. Improved cancer screening and healthcare access, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, are crucial. Additionally, ongoing research to understand the specific causes behind this increase will be vital in formulating effective responses.

“Not Believing the CDC”

Not Believing the CDC
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

People in the comments were clear about one thing: “Not going to believe anything CDC says.”

Another commenter added: “So during the coronavirus pandemic how many cancer deaths were politically considered caused by the coronavirus?”

One person said: “So many in our church or family of church members are getting rare and terminal forms of cancer. Every month it seems. So unreal! One common denominator.”

Future Directions

Future Directions
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

Balmakov emphasized the importance of continuing to monitor these trends and conducting further research to identify and mitigate the underlying causes. As the study suggests, understanding the relationship between pandemic-related factors and cancer mortality will be essential in preventing future spikes.

Changes in Lifestyle

Changes in Lifestyle
Image Credit: Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

What are your thoughts? How can healthcare systems improve cancer screening and treatment access post-pandemic? What specific factors during the pandemic contributed most to the increase in cancer mortality? What role did changes in lifestyle and health behaviors during the pandemic play in these increased cancer deaths?

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the full video on the Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov YouTube channel here.