In a recent Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) grilled Dr. Steven Quay about the origins of COVID-19. The session focused on the contentious issue of whether the virus was naturally occurring or engineered, possibly as a bioweapon. The questioning sought to uncover critical insights into the origins of the pandemic that has claimed millions of lives and left many more suffering from long COVID. Let’s take a look at what he had to say.

The Purpose of the Hearing

The Purpose of the Hearing
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

Senator Marshall opened the session by reminding everyone of the importance of understanding the origins of COVID-19 to prevent future pandemics. He emphasized the massive impact of the virus, with over a million Americans having lost loved ones and 15 million suffering from long COVID. Marshall suggested that knowing more about the virus’s origins could provide clues for better treatments.

The DEFUSE Grant and EcoHealth Alliance

The DEFUSE Grant and EcoHealth Alliance
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

Marshall’s first line of questioning directed at Dr. Quay revolved around the DEFUSE grant, a proposal by EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak. This grant, although denied, outlined a framework for developing COVID-19. Dr. Quay explained that the proposal included specific plans to enhance a virus’s ability to infect humans, such as obtaining a virus from Southern China, ensuring it had a significant genetic diversity from SARS-1, and engineering it to infect humanized mice. Remarkably, these steps aligned closely with the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

Statistical Improbability

Statistical Improbability
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Dr. Quay highlighted the statistical improbability of these engineered characteristics appearing naturally. He quantified the odds of such a convergence occurring naturally as 1 in 1.2 billion. This astonishing figure raises serious questions about the natural origin narrative of the virus, suggesting that it may have been engineered in a lab.

Gain-of-Function Research

Gain of Function Research
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

Senator Marshall then turned the discussion towards gain-of-function research, which involves manipulating viruses to enhance their infectiousness and virulence. Dr. Quay and Dr. Richard Ebright discussed the implications of such research. Dr. Quay pointed out that certain genetic features of SARS-CoV-2, such as the ORF-8 protein, were highly unusual and synthetic, indicating potential laboratory manipulation.

The Bioweapon Debate

The Bioweapon Debate
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

A significant portion of the hearing focused on whether COVID-19 could be considered a bioweapon. While Dr. Quay refrained from definitively labeling it as such, he noted the virus’s highly synthetic nature and the type of research surrounding it. Dr. Ebright added that the original SARS virus (SARS-CoV-1) is classified as a tier one select agent in the United States, meaning it has high potential for use as a bioweapon. However, he emphasized that SARS-CoV-2 is not necessarily a bioweapon but an agent that could potentially be used as one.

Civilian vs. Military Use

Civilian vs. Military Use
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Senator Marshall probed further into the potential civilian purposes of the genetic modifications seen in SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Ebright responded that gain-of-function research on potential pandemic pathogens has no practical civilian applications. Researchers pursue it because it is straightforward, requires minimal specialized equipment, and attracts funding and publication opportunities. This suggests that the motivations behind such research are more about scientific advancement and career incentives than public health benefits.

Implications for Future Research

Implications for Future Research
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

The hearing highlighted the need for greater oversight and transparency in research involving potentially dangerous pathogens. The revelations about the DEFUSE grant and the specifics of gain-of-function research underscore the risks associated with such scientific endeavors. As the world grapples with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding its origins becomes crucial for preventing future outbreaks and ensuring global health security.

“Greatest Threat to Humanity”

Greatest Threat to Humanity
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

People in the comments shared their thoughts: “Makes you wonder, what’s going on in the other bio labs?! He needs to go to prison!!”

Another commenter added: “Yes it is and was designed as a bioweapon, and not possible without US money or expertise.”

One person concluded: “The greatest threat to humanity the goverment”

Complexities of Viral Research

Complexities of Viral Research
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

Senator Roger Marshall’s interrogation of Dr. Steven Quay provided a reminder of the complexities and potential dangers of viral research. The hearing raised significant questions about the origins of COVID-19, the role of gain-of-function research, and the possibility of the virus being engineered. As the debate continues, it is clear that more rigorous oversight and transparent scientific practices are needed to prevent similar pandemics in the future.

Regulating Gain-of-function Research

Regulating Gain of function Research
Image Credit: Forbes Breaking News

What do you think? What are the ethical implications of gain-of-function research, and how should it be regulated to prevent potential misuse? How can the global scientific community ensure transparency and accountability in research involving dangerous pathogens? What steps should be taken to improve public understanding of the complexities surrounding the origins of pandemics like COVID-19?

To hear the full discussion, watch the video on the Forbes Breaking News YouTube channel here.