Kevin O’Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful, didn’t mince words in his recent appearance on Fox Business’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” hosted by Neil Cavuto. O’Leary expressed deep concerns about the current state of San Francisco, painting a grim picture of a city he believes has lost its way due to poor leadership and misguided policies. Let’s see what he had to say.

The Decline of San Francisco

The Decline of San Francisco
Image Credit: Fox Business

According to O’Leary, San Francisco has become a “wasteland,” far removed from the vibrant, thriving city it once was. He attributes this decline to disastrous political decisions and a lack of effective governance. “Walk around San Francisco. It is not America anymore. It just isn’t,” O’Leary lamented, underscoring his disappointment with the city’s current condition.

Business Perspective on Leadership

Business Perspective on Leadership
Image Credit: Fox Business

O’Leary emphasized the importance of having leaders with business backgrounds, arguing that politicians who understand the complexities of running a business are better equipped to manage a city or state. He criticized politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for their inability to effectively govern. “AOC is a popular politician, but she can’t run anything,” he remarked, highlighting the disconnect between political popularity and managerial competence.

The Impact of Policy Decisions

The Impact of Policy Decisions
Image Credit: Fox Business

One of the critical points O’Leary made was about the adverse effects of California’s policy decisions on businesses. He specifically pointed out the recent $20 minimum wage hike as a significant mistake by Governor Gavin Newsom. This increase, he argued, has made it nearly impossible for businesses, especially in the fast-food and service industries, to remain profitable. “It’s not just fast food and convenient dining that’s shutting down because they’re unprofitable at $20 a minimum wage,” O’Leary explained, indicating that many businesses are opting to leave California altogether.

The Exodus of Businesses

The Exodus of Businesses
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

O’Leary’s critique extended to the broader exodus of businesses and high-net-worth individuals from California. He noted that many are relocating to states like Tennessee, Texas, and Florida, which offer more favorable business environments. “California is being hollowed out,” he stated, reflecting a sentiment shared by many business owners who find the state’s policies unsustainable.

The Issue of Safety

The Issue of Safety
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Safety in San Francisco was another significant concern for O’Leary. He described the city as unsafe, to the point where he no longer feels comfortable wearing a watch in public. This fear is echoed by many residents and visitors who have experienced the city’s rising crime rates firsthand. “You wouldn’t run a convention in San Francisco,” O’Leary warned, pointing to the dire implications for tourism and business events.

Criticism of Gavin Newsom

Criticism of Gavin Newsom
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

O’Leary did not hold back in his criticism of Governor Gavin Newsom, blaming him for many of the state’s current woes. He urged Newsom to address the pressing issues in California if he has any aspirations of running for president. “Gavin Newsom should probably fix California now, because everybody in the country has figured out that place is a disaster,” O’Leary urged.

Poor Governance

Poor Governance
Image Credit: Fox Business

The issues highlighted by O’Leary extend beyond San Francisco and California. They reflect a broader debate about the effectiveness of policy decisions and the role of government in managing economic and social challenges. The situation in San Francisco is a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of poor governance and misguided policies.

“We Need Business People”

We Need Business People
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

People in the comments didn’t mince words: “Newsom destroyed San Francisco as mayor and California as governor.”

Another commenter added: “Lets go to any Democrat ran city and lets look at the crime rate, the homeless rate, drug users rate and illegals.”

One person concluded: “O’Leary’s right. Instead of lawyers in our cabinet, running our country, we need business people who understand process and bottom lines.”

Call for Accountability

Call for Accountability
Image Credit: Fox Business

Ultimately, O’Leary’s message was a call for accountability. He believes that politicians should be held responsible for the impact of their decisions and that voters should critically evaluate the performance of their elected officials. “All of these politicians work for you,” he reminded viewers, emphasizing the power and responsibility of the electorate.

Importance of Business Experience

Importance of Business Experience
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

What do you think? How can cities balance the need for livable wages with the economic realities of running businesses? What are the long-term consequences of businesses relocating from states with high taxes and stringent regulations? How important is it for politicians to have business experience, and what impact does this have on their governance?

See the full video on Fox Business’ YouTube channel for more details here.