The family of one of the University of Idaho murder victims has strongly criticized a new book by Howard Blum, which claims to reveal shocking details about the case. According to a video by ABC News, the book suggests that Bryan Kohberger, the suspect in the brutal murders, may have specifically targeted one of the roommates. Let’s explore the claims made in the book, the family’s reaction, and the ongoing legal proceedings.

Background of the Case

Background of the Case
Image Credit: ABC News

In the early hours of November 13, 2022, four University of Idaho students—Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin—were fatally stabbed in an off-campus residence in Moscow, Idaho. The case shocked the quiet college town and the nation. On December 30, Bryan Kohberger was arrested in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, and charged with four counts of first-degree murder and one count of felony burglary. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

Howard Blum’s New Book

Howard Blums New Book
Image Credit: ABC News

Award-winning author Howard Blum’s new book delves into the details of the murder case, claiming to reveal significant insights. Blum believes that Kohberger, based on his research and early interviews with the Moscow Police Department, did commit the murders. However, he notes that convicting Kohberger in court will be a much more challenging task. The book attempts to reconstruct the night of the murders, providing a detailed timeline of events.

Claims About the Target

Claims About the Target
Image Credit: ABC News

One of the most controversial claims in Blum’s book is that Madison Mogen was the intended target. According to Blum, sources close to the investigation believe that Kohberger entered the house through a sliding door on the second floor and went straight to Mogen’s room, bypassing other potential victims. This, Blum argues, indicates that Mogen was specifically targeted. I find this detail particularly chilling as it suggests a premeditated plan rather than a random act of violence.

Reactions from the Victims’ Families

Reactions from the Victims Families
Image Credit: ABC News

The families of the victims, particularly Kaylee Goncalves’ family, have strongly denounced Blum’s book. They assert that they were never consulted about the contents of the book and have labeled it as “fiction.” The Goncalves family told ABC News that Blum’s version relies on sources without any obligation to speak the truth. This reaction highlights the emotional toll that such publications can have on grieving families, adding another layer of pain and frustration.

Kohbergers Defense and Legal Proceedings
Image Credit: ABC News

Kohberger’s defense team has also criticized the book, with his former public defender in Pennsylvania, Jason LaBar, describing it as speculative and presumptive. Kohberger has maintained his innocence, and his defense strategy seems focused on delaying the trial. The defense argues that there is no concrete connection between Kohberger and the victims, despite investigators claiming DNA evidence, surveillance footage, and cell phone records link him to the crime.

Adding a Dramatic Element

Adding a Dramatic Element
Image Credit: ABC News

Blum’s book includes detailed narratives about the night of the murders and the subsequent investigation. For example, he describes how the surviving roommates used their phones to communicate during and after the murders. Additionally, Blum suggests that Kohberger’s father and sister had suspicions about his involvement even before his arrest. These revelations add a dramatic element to the case, but I believe it’s crucial to approach them with caution, given the sensitive nature of the ongoing investigation.

Public and Media Reactions

Public and Media Reactions
Image Credit: ABC News

The publication of Blum’s book has sparked a wide range of reactions. Some see it as an important piece of investigative journalism that sheds light on the case, while others view it as an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on a tragedy. This division reflects broader societal debates about the role of media in criminal cases and the ethical implications of publishing detailed accounts before a trial has concluded.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations
Image Credit: ABC News

The ethical considerations surrounding the publication of such books are significant. While investigative journalism plays a crucial role in uncovering truths, it must balance this with respect for the victims and their families. The backlash from the Goncalves family underscores the potential harm that can arise from publishing speculative content about unresolved cases. I believe that authors and publishers must navigate these waters carefully to avoid causing additional trauma.

“A Money Grab”

A Money Grab
Image Credit: ABC News

People in the comments shared their thoughts: “A book when the suspect has not even been tried? how far can people go for a money grab?”

Another commenter added: “I’ll wait for the evidence to be presented to a jury. I won’t read the book, it has to be at least 50% speculation. Trying to cash in on someone else’s tragedy doesn’t sit well with me.”

One person said: “Maybe writing a book about a high profile murder before the trial happens and tainting the Jury pool isn’t the best idea in the world?”

New Attention and Strong Criticism

New Attention and Strong Criticism
Image Credit: ABC News

Howard Blum’s new book on the University of Idaho murders has brought new attention to an already high-profile case. While it provides a detailed account and poses intriguing questions about the suspect’s motives, it has also faced strong criticism from the victims’ families and Kohberger’s defense team. As the legal proceedings continue, it remains to be seen how these revelations will impact public perception and the eventual trial outcome. 

The Role of Media

The Role of Media
Image Credit: ABC News

What are your thoughts? What ethical guidelines should be in place for authors writing about unresolved or high-profile criminal cases? How might the publication of speculative content before a trial impact the legal proceedings and public perception of justice? What role does the media play in shaping public opinion about suspects before they are formally convicted?

Find out more by watching the full video on ABC News’ YouTube channel here.