Category Archives: Electric Vehicles

“Good Luck EV Owners” – Consumer Reports 80% More Problems in EVs than Gas Cars

Good Luck EV Owners Consumer Reports 80% More Problems in EVs than Gas Cars

In a surprising revelation, electric vehicle owners were expressing dissatisfaction with their current EV’s, with some considering a return to traditional gas-powered cars. The sentiments were unveiled in a recent report from the Chase Car channel. Here’s what it said. EV Owners Are Switching The video opened with saying, “S&P Global showed that nearly half…

“Maybe it’s the idiots that drive them” – Why EVs are Crashing More Than Gas Cars

Maybe it's the idiots that drive them Why EVs are Crashing More Than Gas Cars

In a recent video by the Chase Car channel, a troubling trend was brought to light, suggesting that electric vehicles are involved in more accidents compared to traditional gas-powered cars. The video delved into the reasons behind this surge in accidents, leaving many EV owners frustrated and questioning the future of electric mobility. Here’s what…

“That’s Why EV Stands for Explosive Vehicle” – Ford and GM’s Smoking EVs Force Production Pauses and Recalls

That's Why EV Stands for Explosive Vehicle Ford and GM's Smoking EVs Force Production Pauses and Recalls

Recently, electric vehicle fires have been making headlines, causing significant concern among consumers and manufacturers alike. A video from the Chase Car channel shared insights on the alarming incidents that have left Ford and GM CEOs grappling with safety concerns and potential reputational damage. Here’s the full story. Reports of EVs Catching Fire Contrary to…

“Nah I’m good with gas” – EV Companies Seek Solutions to Winter Spell Challenges as EV Owners Continue to Struggle with Frozen Vehicles

Nah I'm good with gas EV Companies Seek Solutions to Winter Spell Challenges as EV Owners Continue to Struggle with Frozen Vehicles

Recently, the BBC News delved into the complexities that arise when the temperature drops, shedding light on how extreme cold adversely affects crucial aspects of the EV experience. Here’s the full story. The Reason Behind the Issue The video began by sharing that at the heart of the issue lies the lifeblood of electric vehicles…

Biden Administration’s Bold Move to Block Chinese EVs Could Set The Stage for Global Economic Showdown

Biden Administrations Bold Move to Block Chinese EVs Could Set The Stage for Global Economic Showdown

The Biden administration is contemplating imposing restrictions on imports of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) and related components, irrespective of where they are assembled, as part of a broader effort to address mounting U.S. apprehensions regarding data security.  These proposed measures would extend beyond tariffs, aiming to curb the influx of Chinese “smart cars” into American…

EV Black Market? Tesla Cybertrucks Are Illegally Being Resold For $275,000

EV Black Market Tesla Cybertrucks Are Illegally Being Resold For $275,000

Tesla Cybertruck has created an unparalleled buzz, and interestingly enough, 25% of buyers opt for the substantial battery upgrade, demonstrating the demand for enhanced range. This battery, costing $16,000, significantly increases the truck’s range to nearly 500 miles, indicating a strong consumer preference for performance and sustainability. Reselling Frenzy: A Lucrative Opportunity Despite Tesla’s restrictions…

Tesla Is About To Fire ‘Non-Critical Employees’ After Doubling Workforce To Lower the Cost Barrier For Consumers

Tesla Is About To Fire 'Non Critical Employees' After Doubling Workforce

In just three years, Tesla’s global workforce has more than doubled, reaching over 140,000 employees. This expansion reflects the company’s rapid growth and its strategic investments in key markets around the world, including the United States, Germany, China, and Mexico. Tesla’s diverse and talented team is pivotal to its continued innovation and success in the…

EV’s Mustang Mach-E And F-150 Lightning Sales Plummet By 50% After Ford Cuts Production And Fires Employees

EV's Mustang Mach E And F 150 Lightning Sales Plummet By 50% After Ford Cuts Production And Fires Employees

Sam from The Electric Viking recently raised concerns about Ford’s electric vehicle sales plummeting by 50% in January. Sam delved into the reasons behind this drastic drop and questioned Ford’s strategy in the rapidly evolving electric car market. Here’s the full story. The Decrease in Cost Sam began by sharing that Ford is missing a…

13 Disappointing Reasons Why Electric Cars Aren’t Winning Everyone Over Yet

Disappointing Reasons Why Electric Cars Aren’t Winning Everyone Over Yet (1)

Despite the growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), they haven’t captured the hearts of all drivers yet. We break down the 13 disappointing reasons behind the slow adoption rate, from the high upfront costs and concerns over battery life to the inadequate charging infrastructure and the environmental impact of battery production. As we explore these…