Author Archives: Nick Oetken

Republicans Only DENY Climate Change Because Democrats Support It

Republicans Only DENY Climate Change Because Democrats Support It

One of the most intensely debated issues in the American political sphere today is climate change. A Reddit thread on this issue that recently caught my attention is was entitled Change My View: There’s no fact or logic based reason to deny climate change. The only reason republicans deny it is because it’s a primary…

Tiny House Owners SOUNDOFF About What It’s Like After the “Honeymoon Phase”

Featured Image Tiny House Owners SOUNDOFF About What It's Like After the Honeymoon Phase

Have you ever considered moving into a tiny home? I admit I’ve entertained the idea here and again simply because the idea of living a truly minimalistic lifestyle sounds rewarding. That’s also not to mention that taking care of a tiny home sounds like a lot less time consuming than a normal home. A recent…

The 2nd Amendment is IRRELEVANT. Change My View

The 2nd Amendment is IRRELEVANT. Change My View

A Reddit post recently caught my attention where a user, Schmurby, made this straightforward and interesting declaration: “Change My View: The 2nd Amendment is IRRELEVANT.” Now before you dismiss Schmurby as just another internet user trying to say that the 2nd Amendment is archaic and no longer needed in today’s world like we relentlessly hear…