Forget tumbleweeds and dusty towns, there’s a new narrative sweeping the nation: the California exodus to Texas.

For years, whispers of mass migration have been swirling, fueled by giants like Oracle and Tesla upping sticks for Austin.

But is this a Hollywood ending or a one-way ticket to reality? ABC7 News Bay Area’s Karina Nova dived in, talking to Californians who dared to make the Lone Star State their new home.

California Dreaming

California Dreaming
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Over the past two years, California has seen a population decline of more than half a million people. The factors driving this migration are varied, from high living costs to concerns about safety and political climate. According to Nova, “California Dreaming” once symbolized the American Dream for many, but for some, that dream has faded.

The High Living Costs

The High Living Costs
Image Credit: ISoldMyHouse

Nova shared that Texas offers a stark contrast to California’s high living costs. Housing prices in Texas are generally less than half of those in California. Nova shared that the U.S. Census Bureau indicated that middle and lower-class residents are leaving California at higher rates than the wealthy.

Former Ventura mayor Bill reflected on the changes in his hometown and shared stories of safety concerns, high living costs, and a longing for a bygone era.

Affordability and Opportunity

Affordability and Opportunity
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Jennifer Balek, a mother of six, moved from Ventura County to Texas in April 2021, seeking a better quality of life. “We were not doing that in California. Being a big family, we really needed the space to house everybody comfortably,” she explained. Nova shared that the high cost of living in California made it challenging for her family to achieve what they considered the American Dream.

Better Business Opportunities

Better Business Opportunities
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Similarly, other former Californians cite the lower cost of living and better business opportunities as major draws. Juan Pablo Cruz, who owns a food truck, moved to San Antonio to escape the high costs and stringent regulations of operating in California. He shared, “We did the move from Paris, California, to San Antonio, Texas, in 46 hours. So far our move has been excellent. I can’t complain.”

Increasing Crime and Homelessness

Increasing Crime and Homelessness
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Bob, whose family moved from South Korea to Los Angeles in 1972, cited increasing crime and homelessness as major factors in their move to Texas. His family’s grocery stores were burned down during the L.A. riots, and he personally faced assaults on public transportation in the Bay Area. Nova added that such experiences have made the promise of a safer, more stable environment in Texas appealing.

Bustling Housing Market

Bustling Housing Market
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Marie Bailey, a real estate agent, and founder of the Facebook group “Move to Texas from California” that now has around 43,000 members described the bustling housing market in Texas, where demand often exceeds supply, sharing the state’s growing popularity.

Political and Social Dynamics

Political and Social Dynamics
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Nova shared that politics also plays a major role in the decision to move. Some former residents, like Simon and Brigitte Black, left California due to its political climate. “It seems that the environment, politically in California, has just been a one-party rule,” Simon said.

A Welcoming Conservative Community

A Welcoming Conservative Community
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

The video shared that the couple found a welcoming conservative community in Texas, a stark contrast to their experience in Contra Costa County, where Brigitte describes having to hide her political views.

Values and Lifestyle

Values and Lifestyle
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

However, Nova noted that the influx of Californians has raised concerns among some Texans about potential changes to the state’s political landscape. She added that despite these worries, many new residents insist they are not looking to change Texas but rather to find a place that aligns better with their values and lifestyle.

Reflections After One Year

Reflections After One Year
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

Nova shared that one year after their move, these former Californians reflected on their decision. While many express a sense of loss for California’s natural beauty and proximity to family, most feel they made the right choice.

Bill, for instance, misses the scenic drives and local cuisine but appreciates the larger home and better living conditions in Texas.

Missing the Community

Missing the Community
Image Credit: YouTube/ ABC7 News Bay Area

For others like Kelly Brown, the jury is still out. Having moved to Texas for safety and affordability, she found herself missing the community and beauty of Sonoma County. “I did not sell my house here, so I left the option open. But I think that this will always feel like home to me,” she admitted.

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So what do you think? Can California address its challenges and retain its allure? Or will the Golden State continue to lose residents seeking a more affordable and secure future elsewhere?