Workplace incivility, encompassing gossip, backstabbing, and general disrespect, is on the rise and becoming a serious issue in many workplaces. In a recent conversation on FOX 26 Houston, host Isaiah Carey spoke with Anton Gunn, CEO of 937 Strategy Group and former Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama, about this troubling trend. Let’s dive into their discussion and explore the broader implications of such behaviors in the workplace.

Defining Workplace Incivility

Defining Workplace Incivility
Image Credit: FOX 26 Houston

Anton Gunn began by explaining that workplace incivility essentially boils down to disrespect among colleagues and coworkers. It includes behaviors like gossiping, exclusion, and backstabbing, which many employees experience daily. According to a recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management, 66% of U.S. employees have encountered or witnessed such incivility in the past month, highlighting the pervasive nature of the problem. I believe this alarming statistic indicates a widespread issue that needs urgent attention.

Increasing Incivility Post-Pandemic

Increasing Incivility Post Pandemic
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The conversation touched on why workplace incivility has increased recently. Gunn attributed this rise to the significant changes in work environments since the pandemic. People’s tolerance levels have decreased, and there’s a heightened focus on personal well-being, which can lead to friction. The state of workplace injustice study found that 66% of employees experienced hostility, ranging from ostracism to outright aggression and abuse, in the past year.

Examples of Workplace Incivility

Examples of Workplace Incivility
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Gunn provided various examples of incivility, from more severe acts like gaslighting and outright aggression to mundane yet impactful behaviors such as forming cliques, excluding colleagues from emails, or not inviting them to social events. These actions contribute to an environment where employees feel undervalued and disconnected, leading to disengagement and a significant economic impact due to lost productivity. Personally, I find these subtle forms of exclusion particularly concerning as they often go unnoticed but can deeply affect an individual’s morale.

Responsibility in the Workplace

Responsibility in the Workplace
Image Credit: FOX 26 Houston

A critical point raised during the discussion was whether it’s solely the responsibility of supervisors to ensure a respectful workplace. Gunn argued that while supervisors play a crucial role, it is everyone’s responsibility to foster a positive work environment. Teamwork is essential, and everyone must contribute to creating an inclusive atmosphere. This viewpoint resonates with me because a collaborative effort can significantly enhance workplace culture.

Workplace Injustice and Incivility

Workplace Injustice and Incivility
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The term “workplace injustice” was explained with examples where employees face unfair treatment or blame without support from colleagues. Such situations lead to feelings of injustice and contribute to a toxic work environment. Employees often hesitate to speak up due to fear of retaliation or becoming the center of negative attention, which perpetuates the cycle of incivility.

Impact on Women and Minorities

Impact on Women and Minorities
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The discussion highlighted that women and minorities often experience higher levels of workplace injustice and incivility. They face microaggressions and discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. This disproportionately affects their work experience and contributes to a broader issue of inequality in the workplace. Recognizing and addressing these disparities is crucial for creating a fair and inclusive work environment.

Advice for Management and Employees

Advice for Management and Employees
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Gunn offered practical advice for both management and employees to combat workplace incivility. He emphasized the importance of employers taking action when employees report injustice. Studies show that 83% of employers do nothing in response to such reports, which is a significant problem. Employers need to respond effectively and invest in training their leaders to handle these situations appropriately.

The Role of Middle Management

The Role of Middle Management
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Middle management often lacks the training to address workplace incivility effectively. Gunn suggested that organizations need to equip their supervisors with the skills to intervene and escalate issues appropriately. This step is crucial in creating a supportive environment where employees feel their concerns are taken seriously.

Increasing Reporting Mechanisms

Increasing Reporting Mechanisms
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Finally, Gunn recommended increasing the avenues available for employees to report incivility and injustice. Providing multiple channels for reporting can help ensure that issues are addressed promptly and that employees feel safe coming forward. This approach can significantly improve the overall work environment by fostering a culture of accountability and support.

“Haven’t Graduated From the Playground”

Havent Graduated From the Playground
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

People in the comments shared their thoughts: “90% of the time, people don’t leave because of the job itself, they leave because of the toxic people.”

One commenter added: “Most adults haven’t graduated from the playground”

Another person concluded: “This is why working from home is much better. Less dealing with this.”

A Growing Issue

A Growing Issue
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The conversation between Isaiah Carey and Anton Gunn sheds light on the growing issue of workplace incivility. It underscores the need for collective responsibility and proactive measures to create a respectful and inclusive work environment. Addressing these issues not only improves employee morale but also has significant economic benefits by reducing disengagement and increasing productivity. As workplaces continue to evolve post-pandemic, it is crucial to prioritize civility and respect to foster a healthy work culture.

The Role of Leadership

The Role of Leadership
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

What do you think? How can employees effectively address and report instances of incivility without fear of retaliation? What role does leadership play in setting the tone for workplace behavior, and how can they be held accountable? How can training programs for middle management be designed to better equip them in handling workplace incivility?

Check out the entire video for more information on FOX 26 Houston’s YouTube channel here.