In his eye-opening recent video, finance expert Gabe Bult delves into the pervasive issue of financial instability plaguing many Americans today. Bult’s analysis sheds light on the underlying factors contributing to widespread financial struggles and offers practical solutions to break free from this cycle. Let’s take a closer look at what Bult had to say.

The Fear of Losing Money

The Fear of Losing Money
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Bult begins by addressing a startling reality: people are more scared of losing money than they are of dying. Despite this fear, a significant number of Americans have almost no savings. He attributes this to the explosion of consumerism and the rise of subscription services, which have drastically altered financial habits.

The Trap of Subscription Services

The Trap of Subscription Services
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

According to Bult, subscription services have become a financial trap for many. Designed to be easy to sign up for but difficult to cancel, these services lure customers in with free trials, only to lock them into recurring payments. Bult shares his own experience with Planet Fitness, where the cancellation process was so cumbersome that he ended up paying for months longer than necessary. This strategy, he notes, is a common tactic used to maximize profits.

The Impact of Consumerism

The Impact of Consumerism
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Bult also points out that the sheer abundance of enticing products and services available today makes it difficult for people to control their spending. The constant bombardment of advertisements and the fear of missing out (FOMO) contribute to a cycle of unnecessary purchases and financial strain.

Inflation: The Silent Thief

Inflation The Silent Thief
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Inflation is another major factor that Bult identifies as eroding people’s purchasing power. He emphasizes that as prices for essentials like groceries and rent rise, the value of money decreases, particularly affecting those living paycheck to paycheck. Inflation hits hardest on those with fixed incomes or low wages, making it increasingly difficult to cover basic expenses.

The Wage Gap

The Wage Gap
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Bult highlights the growing disparity between wages and the cost of living. While housing prices, healthcare, and education costs have skyrocketed, wages have not kept pace. This imbalance forces many to work multiple jobs or side hustles just to make ends meet. Bult argues that simply raising the minimum wage is not a comprehensive solution, as companies often pass these costs onto consumers.

The Cost of Being Broke

The Cost of Being Broke
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Being financially unstable often incurs additional costs, such as late fees and overdraft charges. Bult points out that these expenses disproportionately affect those who can least afford them, creating a vicious cycle of debt and financial stress.

The Illusion of the American Dream

The Illusion of the American Dream
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Bult critiques the modern interpretation of the American Dream, which has shifted from homeownership to consumerism. Many people now feel entitled to expensive lifestyles without the financial stability to support them. This mindset leads to unnecessary spending on luxury items and experiences, further exacerbating financial woes.

The Importance of Financial Literacy

The Importance of Financial Literacy
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

To combat these issues, Bult stresses the importance of financial literacy. He advises viewers to invest in valuable skills that can increase their earning potential, rather than merely working harder at low-paying jobs. Gaining financial knowledge and making informed decisions about spending, saving, and investing are crucial steps toward financial independence.

Practical Steps to Financial Stability

Practical Steps to Financial Stability
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Bult offers several practical solutions to improve financial health:

  • Create a Budget: Track income and expenses to identify areas where money can be saved.
  • Cut Unnecessary Subscriptions: Review and cancel any services that are not essential.
  • Build an Emergency Fund: Save money in a high-interest account to cover unexpected expenses.
  • Invest in Skills: Focus on gaining skills that are in demand and can command higher wages.

People Living in Denial?

People Living in Denial
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

People in the comments shared their thoughts: “Fast food and eating out in general kills budgets and people often live in denial about it.”

Another commenter added: “Because we buy things we can’t afford to impress people who don’t care.”

One person concluded: “Well, we are paying for every little thing. In the old days, no cable bill, barely a phone bill, and you only needed 1 decent job to support your family.”

Actionable Advice

Actionable Advice
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Gabe Bult’s analysis provides a comprehensive look at why so many people are financially struggling and offers actionable advice to break free from this cycle. By understanding the impact of consumerism, subscription services, inflation, and the wage gap, individuals can take proactive steps to improve their financial situation. As Bult emphasizes, working smarter and investing in oneself is key to achieving financial stability and independence.

Influence of Consumerism

Influence of Consumerism
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

What do you think? How has consumerism influenced your spending habits, and what steps can you take to regain control over your finances? What subscription services are you currently paying for, and which ones could you realistically live without? How has inflation impacted your ability to save and invest for the future, and what strategies can you employ to mitigate its effects?

Watch the entire video on Gabe Bult’s YouTube channel for more information here.