Insulating your home or building is essential to keeping your family warm during cold weather. But how much does it really cost?

You can save money by choosing a less expensive form of insulation. For example, cellulose fiberboard (CFC) costs around $300 per square foot.

This material is often used in exterior walls because it’s lightweight and durable. However, CFC has a limited life span and must be replaced every five years.

If you are looking for an affordable option, consider using rigid foam board.

Rigid foam board comes in different thicknesses and can be cut into any shape. You can also add a decorative trim to make the insulation more attractive.

If you have a large area that needs insulation, you may need to hire a contractor to install the insulation. In this case, you will likely incur additional charges.

Is Insulating A Shed Worth It?

The benefits of insulating a shed far outweigh its cost. Here are some reasons why:

Reduces heating bills – When temperatures drop outside, heat rises. As a result, your shed heats up even when you aren’t there.

By insulating your shed, you keep it warmer and help reduce energy usage.

Protect contents – Your possessions inside your shed are vulnerable to extreme temperature changes.

Even if you use proper storage techniques, items like tools and lawn equipment can get damaged by freezing temperatures.

By insulating your structure, you protect your belongings from these harsh conditions.

Protects against pests

Pests such as mice, rats and cockroaches thrive in uninsulated sheds.

They can damage your property and spread disease. Insulating your shed helps prevent them from entering.

Prevents mold growth

Mold thrives in moist environments. Since your shed isn’t airtight, moisture builds up inside.

This makes it easy for mold to grow. By insulating your shed, you eliminate the ideal environment for mold growth.

Keeps out insects

Insects don’t like hot, humid conditions either.

That’s why they prefer to hang out indoors. By insulating your space, you create a barrier that keeps bugs away.

Improves comfort level

When it’s cold outside, the last thing you want to do is spend time inside a cold shed.

By insulating your shed, you allow yourself to stay warm and comfortable. 

Improves indoor air quality

Air pollution levels tend to rise during winter months. This is especially true for sheds without adequate ventilation.

By insulating your shed, you ensure that fresh air enters and this inherently prevents mold from growing too.

Read More: Metal Outbuilding Kits

How Long Will My Insulation Last?

Insulation typically lasts between 10-15 years. However, it depends on how well maintained your shed is.

If you regularly clean your shed, remove debris or wash off dirt, you can extend the life of your insulation.

What Is The Best Way To Install Insulation?

There are several ways to install insulation. Some people choose to lay down sheets of fiberglass insulation. Others opt for spray foam insulation.

These two methods work very differently. Fiberglass insulation requires you to cut pieces of material and then place them over the walls.

Spray foam insulation doesn’t require any cutting. Instead, it expands into the spaces where you want it to go.

Which Type Of Insulation Should I Use?

Fiberglass insulation is more popular than spray foam insulation because it provides better protection. However, spray foam insulation is much easier to apply.

How Much Will It Cost To Insulate My Shed?

Insulating your shed or garage can vary depending on the overall size of the shed and the type of insulation that you decide to use.

If you are looking to insulate a shed that is approximately the size of a car-garage, then you would pay anywhere between $338 – $900.

It is advised that you undertake thorough research before insulating your shed and read company reviews prior to hiring an insulation company. 

Is It Worth It To Insulate A Shed?

Is It Worth It To Insulate A Shed

Insulating your shed is worth it if you spend a considerable amount of time in your shed.

It is also worth it if you live in an area that experiences harsh winter conditions, and you want to ensure that gas canisters do not freeze over and become damaged.

Therefore, it is definitely worth insulating your shed if your intention is to protect stored items.

Damaged goods lead to expensive re-purchasing and thus, it would be notably beneficial to insulate your shed to protect against the costs incurred when your stored items become damaged. 

Insulating your shed also prevents insects from being able to cause damage to items that you store within your shed.

Once the walls are insulated, you reduce the capacity for unwanted insects to thrive, and this also prevents mold from growing and developing on the walls of the shed itself. 


To conclude, the cost of insulating your shed depends on the type of insulation that you use and the size of the shed itself.

However, insulating your shed is definitely worthwhile as it prevents rats and over unwanted animals or insects from infesting your shed.

Insulating your shed also ensures that your stored contents are kept safe and undamaged, and this is particularly important with regard to gas canisters and other dangerous equipment that you may store in your shed. 

Typically, these items need to be stored at a certain temperature to prevent damage or combustion, and it is therefore imperative that your shed is insulated in this instance, particularly if you live in an environment that experiences harsh winter conditions.

You should expect to pay anywhere between $300-900 to insulate your shed properly.